Selecting a Good Lawyer

If you have been charged with a crime, you want to retain a lawyer immediately. You will want someone who has expertise in criminal defense because it is a highly specialized area of the law.
If you can't afford to hire a lawyer in a criminal defense matter, a lawyer known as a "public defender" will be appointed for you. However, if you are looking to hire a criminal defense lawyer in private practice, one of the best places to start your search is here at
You can do a free search to come up with a list of lawyers by using the Find A Lawyer search box that can be accessed anywhere on (You should see a search box on the right side of your computer screen.)
If you do a seach for a criminal defense lawyer but don't pull up any names, expand your search to other nearby cities.Also, follow the search tips provided in response to your unsuccessful search, or click on Search Help.
Once you are able to pull up a list of lawyers, look at each lawyer's profile by clicking on his or her name, or by clicking on the link to "More info . . ." that appears next to each listing. If the lawyer has a Web site, check it out by clicking on the link provided in the profile.
Next, use the following guidelines to do some initial screening and narrow your list of lawyers down to three or four prospective candidates:
·         Look at biographical information, including whatever you can find on Web sites for the lawyers and their law firms. Do they appear to have expertise in the area of criminal law that you need? Do they have any information on their Web sites that is helpful to you? Do they belong to any reputable associations in the area of expertise that you need?
·         Use search engines to surf the Internet. Do searches under the name of each lawyer and his or her law firm. Can you find any articles, FAQ's or other informational pieces that the lawyer has done that give you a level of comfort?
·         Ask other people if they have heard of the lawyers and what they think about them.
·         Contact your state bar association or visit their Web site to find out if the lawyers are in good standing.
·         Check out the yellow pages of your telephone directory. Do the lawyers advertise? If so, do you find it compelling? Helpful? Tasteful?
·         Check out the online archives of your local newspaper. Has there been any publicity about the lawyers or the cases that they have handled?
·         Consider any special needs you have. For example, would you benefit from an attorney who speaks a language other than English?
Don't eliminate a lawyer just because he or she didn't have the time to meet with you on short notice. Good lawyers are busy so they may not be able to spend as much time as they would like with prospective clients.
Consider the lawyer's staff. Good lawyers have good people working with them and they may delegate a lot of responsibility to their staff. At a minimum, you should expect to be treated courteously and professionally by the staff in a lawyer's office.
Criminal defense lawyers will almost always charge by the hour, or by a flat fee that is payable up front. Rules of professional conduct for your state quite likely prohibit a lawyer from entering into a contingent fee agreement for a criminal action. Rates can be competitive so it may be to your benefit to shop around. However, lawyers with a good reputation in this area are going to charge more. With your freedom possibly on the line, it may be worthwhile to pay more for a lawyer or a law firm with a great reputation.
You will probably want to hire a lawyer with at least a few years of experience, and especially one with experience in the type of prosecution you are facing, like traffic offenses, drug crimes, sex offenses or white collar crimes.
Criminal cases are often resolved by plea agreements with the district attorney's office. This may require that the lawyer have a good working relationship with the prosecuting attorney, or to at least have a reputation that commands respect. Thus, you will want a lawyer who appears frequently in the jurisdiction your case is in: federal or state, and, if state, in the particular county where you are charged.
Look to see if a lawyer is affiliated with associations that cater to your needs, like the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers . Most states have state organizations that are similar, as do many large cities.
Unless there are special circumstances, you will want to hire a lawyer with a local office. Since many criminal matters might arise in a jurisdiction where you don't actually live, you may need to hire an attorney local to the criminal prosecution, rather than local to your home.

Before You Hire a Lawyer

·         Ask for references. You want to talk to people who could comment on the lawyer's skills and trustworthiness.
·         Ask for a copy of a firm brochure and promotional materials. If they are available, crosscheck these materials against other sources and references.
·         Ask to be provided with a copy of the lawyer's retainer agreement and have it explained to you before decide on retaining the lawyer or the lawyer's law firm. You may end up paying a lot of money to the lawyer so make sure you understand what you are signing up for.
·         Use your common sense and gut instincts to evaluate the remaining lawyers on your list. You'll want to be comfortable with the lawyer you hire. You will also want to choose the lawyer who you think will do the best job for you.

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Indonesian Law Expert

Wirjono Prodjodikoro

 about Wirjono Prodjodikoro
Sudikno Mertokusumo
Nono Anwar Makarim
Munir Said Thalib
Mochtar Kusumaatmadja
Prof. Dr. H. Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri
Prof. Jawahir Thontowi
Prof. Dr. Gouw Giok Siong, SH
Adnan Buyung Nasution
Abdul Hakim Garuda Nusantara

about Sudikno Mertokusumo

about Nono Anwar Makarim

about Munir Said Thalib

about Mochtar Kusumaatmadja

about Prof. Dr. H. Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri

about Prof. Jawahir Thontowi

about Prof. Dr. Gouw Giok Siong SH

about Adnan Buyung Nasution

about Abdul Hakim Garuda Nusantara

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The history of Republic of Indonesia's constitution

The constitution of Republic of Indonesia which is 1945 Constitution was passed as law by state basis PPKI on August 18, 1945. Since the date of December 27, 1949, in Indonesia applies the Constitution RIS, and the date of August 17, 1950 in Indonesia applies Provisional Constitution of 1950. The Presidential Decree of July 5, 1959 re-enact the 1945 Constitution, with confirmed unanimously by the House on July 22, 1959.
In the period 1999-2002, the 1945 has four times the changes (amendments), which alter the composition of the institutions in the state system of the Republic of Indonesia.
Prior to the Amendment, the 1945 Constitution consists of the Preamble, the Body (16 chapters, 37 articles, 65 paragraph (16 verses from 16 chapters which only consists of one paragraph and paragraph 49 of the 21 chapters are composed of two paragraphs or more), Article 4 Transitional Provisions, Supplementary Rules and the second paragraph), and explanation.
Having done four times, the 1945 has 20 chapters, 37 chapters, 194 verses, the Transitional Provisions of article 3, and 2 Additional Rules section.
In Proceedings of the Annual Session of the Assembly of 2002, published the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 in One Script, Script For perbantuan and Compiling Without There Opinion.

Early History
Business Investigation Agency Preparation of Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI) which was formed on April 29, 1945 was the body that drafted the 1945 Constitution. During the first trial which lasted from May 28 until June 1, 1945, Ir. Sukarno convey the idea of ​​"the State" which was named Pancasila. On June 22, 1945, 38 members of the Committee of Nine BPUPKI form consisting of nine people to design the Jakarta Charter that will be the opening of the 1945 manuscript. After removal of the clause "with the obligation to execute Islamic law for followers-followers" then the script into the script of the Jakarta Charter Preamble of the 1945 Constitution promulgated on August 18, 1945 by the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI). Ratification of the 1945 confirmed by the Central Indonesian National Committee (KNIP) which met on August 29, 1945. Indonesia the 1945 draft drawn up during the Second Session of the Preparation of Independence Business Investigation Agency (BPUPKI). The agency name without the word "Indonesia" because it is tied to the land of Java alone. In Sumatra there BPUPKI to Sumatra. The period of the Second Session on July 10 to 17 1945. Dated August 18, 1945, PPKI approve the 1945 Constitution as the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

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A. Preliminary

Transactions or trade links many forms, from a form of relationship selling goods, shipping and receiving goods, production of goods and services pursuant to a contract and others.
 All transactions are loaded with the potential to give birth to a dispute. Generally, trade disputes are often preceded by the settlement of disputes by negotiation. If the way of settlement negotiations fail or not work, then pursued other means such as settlement of disputes through the courts or arbitration. Submission of the dispute, either to court or to arbitration, often based on an agreement between the parties. Usual step taken is to make an agreement or enter into a dispute resolution clause in the contract or agreement that they made, either to court or arbitration body. The legal basis for dispute resolution forums or entity that will handle the dispute is the agreement of the parties. The agreement was put either at the time the contract is signed or after the dispute arises. In addition to the forum of a court or arbitration, the parties may also submit their disputes to alternative dispute resolution, commonly known as ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) or APS (Alternative 
Dispute Settlement).

 The Parties in International Trade Dispute

As we all know that the subject of law in international trade law, namely the State, companies or individuals and others.
 In the following description, the parties to the discussion is limited to the merchant (individual or legal entity) and State. Due to the nature of international trade law is a cross-border, pembahasannyapun restricted only between traders and merchants, then traders and foreign countries.
1.     Dispute Between Merchants and Traders. 
The dispute is a dispute between two merchants who frequent and most common.
 Disputes like this happen almost every day. The dispute was settled through a variety of ways. The way the settlement is dependent on the freedom and the agreement of the parties. 
Agreements and freedom of the forum court will determine who will resolve their dispute.
 In addition the agreement and this freedom will determine what law will be applied and implemented by the agency courts adjudicate disputes. Agreements and freedom of the parties is an essential thing. Law respecting an agreement and freedoms. Of course, there is agreement and kebabasan limits. Usually the limits are not violated the Act and public order.

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Agrarian Law of Indonesia

In the discussion of the history of the Agrarian Law of Indonesia there are two important phases to consider, namely the phase prior to September 1960, and the phase after that date.In the phase prior to September 1960 the Agrarian Law of Indonesia consists of the parts of Western Civil Law, Customary Law of indigenous people of Indonesia, Law of Inter-Group and the law after the proclamation is the influence of Constitutional Law.From all the above is the most important Indonesian Agrarian Law is premised on the Dutch colonial era is Article 51 IS 1870, also known as the Dutch language Agrarische Wet. As implementation is a revelation than Agrarische Wet Domein (Domein Verklaring) which states that:"All the land that others can not prove, that it is the land eigendomnya domains or owned by the State."So, Domein statement has very important functions as:• a basis for the government in order to provide land to the rights of the West, such as the right eigendom, erfpacht rights, rights opstal and so forth.

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Talking about issues of constitutional law that is discussed two variables, what is it legal? And what is meant by the constitution? Both are closely related to matters of state and therefore to understand the legal sense must be understood first constitution of the state itself.
The state is an organization of a group or several groups of people who jointly inhabit a territory (territory) by admitting certain adanaya a government which administers the discipline and safety of a group or several groups of people in the wilayahnya.Organisasi countries within a region is not only one organization, there are other organizations (religious, political party, civic and other organizations each have a personality that is detached from affairs of state). Less precise when the country is said to be an organized society. Is appropriate when it is said among the organizations above, the state is a major organization within a region because it has government authorities and in many cases able to intervene in other organizations.
There are several key elements or elements that make up the sense of the state, among others:

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International Treaties in the Indonesia National Legislation System

Development of science and technology affect the lives of many nations - nations of the world. In line with the development of the nation - the nation in the world, also growing problems - problems in the international community and led to changes - changes in international law.

International law is a system of rules used to set up an independent and sovereign country.
The international law consists of a set of laws, which largely consists of principles - principles and rules of conduct that binds the state - the state and therefore adhered to in the relationship between the state, which also includes:

Rule - the rule of law on the implementation of funsi institutions - institutions and organizations - International organizations and the relationship between states - states and individuals - individuals.
Regulations - certain legal regulations about the individual - individuals with unity - unity instead of the state, along rights - the rights and obligations of individuals with unity unity is a matter of international cooperation.
Basically berklakunya International Law is based on two principles:

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Corporate Administrative System in Indonesia

Sisminbakum groove via the internet

New System How it Works

1.  The whole process is done online through a network of inter-net that can be accessed by any secretary who followed the No. SABH from all regions of Indonesia. Each notary public who registered in SABH will be given User Id and Pass-word to maintain the security of a-la-ma processing.

2.  Notary can perform direct memalui Monito-ring network in-ter-net 24 hours so it can know the progress of the processing that is in the Department Kumdang.

3. If there are errors can be repaired directly and co-mu-tions sector between the Ministry of Kum-dang and Notary to do me through e-mail.

4.  With SABH whole process can be performed quickly and save on operating costs charged to the applicant.

5.  Payments are made through the Bank appointed so that minimizing the occurrence of illegal fees.


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