In the discussion of the history of the Agrarian Law of Indonesia there are two important phases to consider, namely the phase prior to September 1960, and the phase after that date.In the phase prior to September 1960 the Agrarian Law of Indonesia consists of the parts of Western Civil Law, Customary Law of indigenous people of Indonesia, Law of Inter-Group and the law after the proclamation is the influence of Constitutional Law.From all the above is the most important Indonesian Agrarian Law is premised on the Dutch colonial era is Article 51 IS 1870, also known as the Dutch language Agrarische Wet. As implementation is a revelation than Agrarische Wet Domein (Domein Verklaring) which states that:"All the land that others can not prove, that it is the land eigendomnya domains or owned by the State."So, Domein statement has very important functions as:• a basis for the government in order to provide land to the rights of the West, such as the right eigendom, erfpacht rights, rights opstal and so forth.
Talking about issues of constitutional law that is discussed two variables, what is it legal? And what is meant by the constitution? Both are closely related to matters of state and therefore to understand the legal sense must be understood first constitution of the state itself.
The state is an organization of a group or several groups of people who jointly inhabit a territory (territory) by admitting certain adanaya a government which administers the discipline and safety of a group or several groups of people in the wilayahnya.Organisasi countries within a region is not only one organization, there are other organizations (religious, political party, civic and other organizations each have a personality that is detached from affairs of state). Less precise when the country is said to be an organized society. Is appropriate when it is said among the organizations above, the state is a major organization within a region because it has government authorities and in many cases able to intervene in other organizations.
There are several key elements or elements that make up the sense of the state, among others:
International Treaties in the Indonesia National Legislation System
International law is a system of rules used to set up an independent and sovereign country.
The international law consists of a set of laws, which largely consists of principles - principles and rules of conduct that binds the state - the state and therefore adhered to in the relationship between the state, which also includes:
Rule - the rule of law on the implementation of funsi institutions - institutions and organizations - International organizations and the relationship between states - states and individuals - individuals.
Regulations - certain legal regulations about the individual - individuals with unity - unity instead of the state, along rights - the rights and obligations of individuals with unity unity is a matter of international cooperation.
Basically berklakunya International Law is based on two principles:
Corporate Administrative System in Indonesia
New System How it Works 1. The whole process is done online through a network of inter-net that can be accessed by any secretary who followed the No. SABH from all regions of Indonesia. Each notary public who registered in SABH will be given User Id and Pass-word to maintain the security of a-la-ma processing. 2. Notary can perform direct memalui Monito-ring network in-ter-net 24 hours so it can know the progress of the processing that is in the Department Kumdang. 3. If there are errors can be repaired directly and co-mu-tions sector between the Ministry of Kum-dang and Notary to do me through e-mail. 4. With SABH whole process can be performed quickly and save on operating costs charged to the applicant. 5. Payments are made through the Bank appointed so that minimizing the occurrence of illegal fees. | |
The Globalisation’s Effects in Ache
The Opinions of Legal Entities
Besides the people (humans), has appeared also in the participation of legal entities or associations who may also have rights and take legal actions as a human. Such bodies or associations, the legal entity named or recht-persoon, meaning that people who were created by law. (Subekti, 2001:21)
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Dispute Resolution
Republic of Indonesia who have participated as a WTO member must adjust all the regulatory legislation in the field of intellectual property rights (IPR) with standard TRIP's (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectu Property Rights) ang started in 1997 and then updated in 2000 and 2001 . Right now the competent authority in the management of IPR in Indonesia is the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights (DG IPR) under the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.On IPR issues will touch upon various aspects such as aspects of technology, industry, sosbud and various other aspects. But the most important aspect is the aspect of law / legal protection. Laws should be able to provide protection for intellectual property so as to develop the creative ability of the community that eventually led to the successful goal of IPR protection.IPR can be divided basically into two categories, namely copyright and industrial property rights(Patents, trademarks, industrial designs, integrated circuit layout Desai, trade secrets and plant varieties).